You Can Dance

Spotlight - Holiday - Everybody - Physical Attraction
Over and Over - Into the Groove - Where´s the Party

Home - Credits - Vinyl - CD - Cassette

Release Date : 1987 Sire Records/Warner.bros
Art Direction : Jeri Heiden
Design : Jeri Heiden
Photography : Herb Ritts

Tracking List

Spotlight - Holiday - Everybody - Physical Attraction
Over and Over - Into the Groove - Where´s the Party
Holiday (Dub Version) - Into the Groove (Dub Version) - Where´s the Party (Dub Version)
Available on K7 : Spotlight (Dub Version) - Over and Over (Dub Version)

Holiday : Remixed by Jellybean - Into the groove : Remixed by Shep Pettibone
Where´s the Party : Remixed by Shep Pettibone - Spotlight : Remixed by Jellybean
Over and Over : Remixed by Steve Thompson and Micheal Barbiero